Have you ever wondered why there is a lack of liberating leaders at workplaces? There might be several outstanding role models or leaders; however, very few liberating leaders. So the point here is to understand what makes a liberating leader and what it actually is. Let’s understand liberating leaders first.

Liberating leaders

It is a rare type of leadership; however, very distinguished and highly effective than others. A liberating leader is a composite of few exceptional psychological characteristics including, egalitarian values, creativity, and a holistic approach towards issues.

Now, let’s take a look into the essential characteristics of effective leadership to produce more liberating leaders at the workplace.

Effective leadership requires self-awareness to create more liberating leaders at the workplace

One of the fundamental traits of effective leadership to produce more liberating leaders in the workplace is self-awareness. The top leadership can be brilliant in many aspects, but if it lacks self-awareness, then liberating leaders can’t be produced at the workplace.

A leader can only expect to lead others effectively if he can lead himself, which comes from self-awareness.

Building self-awareness is possible. However, it requires you to be your own critic and ready to accept that we ”don’t know what we don’t know about ourselves.”

Below are some points that throw light on the importance of self-awareness for effective leadership – thus creating an environment in the workplace that produces liberating leaders.

  • If the top leadership is equipped with self-awareness, then they are more likely to have emotional intelligence in them.
  • Emotional intelligence is a key trait to understand your emotions and of those in the workplace.
  • Developing self-awareness enables leaders to know their weaknesses & strengths – thus enabling them to coordinate with their teammates in the best way possible.
  • Self-awareness is not only great for your own good, but it also puts a direct impact on your subordinates and produces liberating leaders among them.
  • Constant self-awareness in the top leadership always helps them in putting their best foot forward, because a self-aware leader knows the art of leading himself.

How self-awareness in leadership develops an environment that produces liberating leaders?

Self-awareness in top leadership helps them to be always aware of their weaknesses, strengths, constantly-changing mental state, and hidden biases.

Being self-aware makes room for you to learn from your teammates and subordinates. In the process, you find true workers and team players who participate strongly – strong participation is one of the key traits of emerging and liberating leaders.

If a person is not self-aware, then he won’t be able to acknowledge his flaws or loopholes. On the other hand, self-awareness taught you your flaws, and you’ll learn from others what you don’t know. This helps the top leadership to produce an environment in the workplace that pushes everyone to participate and give their best performance.

Then, you identify certain performers who are creative, equipped with egalitarian values, and holistic towards problem-solving.